Thursday, May 20, 2010

Week Two: Day 9

This morning I woke up and it was nearly 60 degrees around 8:00 am. With such a beautiful day ahead of me, I could not wait to take pictures for my album cover. I met up with Brenda around 8:15 am and we talked about the layout for my cover. She was happy to help me, which is great because presentation is key. I then walked upstairs to meet up with my mentor, Shirley. We went over what information I would need for my CD and all the details behind that. Then I began my self-evaluation. The self-evaluation for senior project is a 3 to 5 page paper that includes my goals, benefits, and what I have learned. I have fortunately already finished my first paragraph and created an outline. After assembly, Andrew Landers took some photos of me for my album cover. I wanted to make sure that when looking at the album, you would be able to recognize Proctor in the background. Most of the pictures that Andrew shot of me were in front of the Proctor pond. We were able to narrow down the shots and I am happy with the results. Tomorrow I will work with Brenda again and hopefully finalize the CD case itself. I am also hoping to get into the studio tomorrow to practice the songs. Week two is almost over...hours today: 3

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