Monday, May 17, 2010

Week Two: Day 6

After a tiring weekend full of athletics, I came into the recording studio ready to work. I arrived at 9:15am and practiced by myself while Bill set up for his assembly. I worked on "You Raise Me Up" and "Here's Where I Stand." After assembly, we recorded the piano of "You Raise Me Up" and then I recorded the vocals. This song is almost finished, just a couple more edits. After spending about an hour and a half working on that song, I went to lunch. Because of my lacrosse game today and Bill's dish duty, we only had about a half hour to work after lunch. After setting up the sound system, we finally put down another song (Here's Where I Stand). The piano recording is finished, but I will have to redo the vocals a bunch of times this week to make it perfect. Tomorrow I am going to spend a full day in the studio, trying to put down another song. I am also going to shoot my album cover tomorrow if the weather turns out nice. Bill will not be working with me on Thursday and Friday because he will be out of town, so I am going to have to work really hard these next two days to put myself in a good position for the final week of Senior Project. (hours today = 5)

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