Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I cannot believe everything is almost over. The past two weeks have been difficult but amazing. I have learned so much about music and myself. Today I woke up early because I had a full day planned of hard work. I first went to Shirley's room and worked more on my Self Evaluation. Then, I met up with Bill at 9:30am to record for two hours. We were able to finish all the recording and start mixing. We mixed three out of my five songs, then we had our final assembly and lunch. Following lunch I came back and worked with Bill in the studio, we were able to bounce those three songs we had mixed. I took a break for a while and returned to the studio around 7:00pm for another hour. We have mixed all of my songs except one and so tomorrow morning we will finish that and then burn!!! I am hoping to burn as many CDs as I can depending on time. I have to finish my Self Evaluation tonight and will hand in my papers tomorrow! Thanks for reading my blog!!

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