Thursday, May 13, 2010

Day 4

Today was the fourth day of my senior project. I gave my voice a rest this morning and hummed every one of my songs and then did a warm up (10:00am to 12:00pm). After lunch, Bill and I met up in the recording studio (1:15pm). We went straight to recording "Only Hope" and then decided to work on "Hero." After practicing a couple times, Bill mentioned that I cannot mess up the pitches a tiny bit when recording because the microphone will pick it up. On that note, I realized that I need to step up my confidence and thoroughly practice these songs. We recorded "Hero" all the way through, twice. The second track came out much better than the first, showing my improvement. I am becoming more comfortable with the songs and the recording process. Last night I bought a bunch of CDs and cases for the final product. I also am hoping to sing one of these songs at Commencement, to show everyone what I have been up to. This week is almost coming to a close, but I glad that we are moving along and everything is going well!! (Total hours of today: 3)

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