Monday, May 24, 2010

Week Three: Day 11

WOW! The progress I made today was amazing. I woke up and went straight to the studio around 8:30am. Bill and I got right to work with a short warm up and then recording. We recorded "Amazing Grace," "Only Hope," and "You Raise Me Up." All three of these songs went very well. After a couple hours of recording, I took a break and headed over to the tech lab. Seth was there ready for me to print my CD case inserts. I would like to thank him for all the work he did for me today. We spent about an hour sizing and formatting the inserts. It got very complicated and we printed off a lot of paper. Fortunately, everything turned out great! I went to lunch and later returned to cut the 200 little squares. 100 front cover inserts and 100 back inserts. It took a lot of work but I am very happy with the results. Following dinner I met up with Bill again in the studio. We diligently worked on mixing "Amazing Grace" and finished it!!!! We also recorded "Here's Where I Stand" and began tuning/editing/mixing. Tomorrow we will finish "Here's Where I Stand" and start mixing the last three. This project is really coming together and I cannot wait to show everyone my final product!! Hours today = 6.

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