Saturday, May 15, 2010

Week One Reflection

Although this week was full of practice and becoming more comfortable with the recording process, I found that I have put myself in a good position for the second week of my senior project. I have basically learned all of the songs that I plan to put on my CD and the fundamentals of recording. Therefore, my general goals for this week have been met. I adjusted to my difficulties of having a hoarse voice by changing my warm up routine. I also was able to find half of the background music to the songs I have chosen, which is a big step in my process of recording.

I absolutely loved this first week of senior project, which is great because it is hard to sing well when you do not love song, environment, and people around. Now that I have practiced the songs many times, I can delve deeper into the emotions of each song. Through emphasizing higher notes and making sure that each song flows, the work becomes easier.

Coming into the recording studio with basically no experience on a microphone or with the genre of music I selected, I believe my work this week has been excellent. I did not know how I would approach the practicing and recording this first week, so I did not expect much from the beginning. I was surprised as to how much time this process needs and will adjust my scheduling next week so that I can comfortably complete this project. I will finish recording by the end of next week, which means that I need to buckle down everyday and work very hard. This week’s activities will benefit my comfort for the studio and working with Bill; therefore, I will be able to gracefully complete my tasks and goals for next week. I completed 18.5 hours this week, averaging 3.7 hours a day.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to hear you at graduation and would love a copy of your CD when it's done! :)
