Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Day 3

Today was the third day of my senior project, I started at 9:30am practicing on my own and then met up with Bill around 10:00am. Since it was a half day, I did not spend a lot of time working with Bill - but the time was well spent when working with him. He transposed "You Raise Me Up," so that it would be in my key. The song jumps around a lot, so we practiced shifting tempos and becoming more comfortable with the range. We tried to record the song so that Bill would be able to later record the piano with my tempo, but we had technical difficulties. We spent the last twenty minutes working on "Here's Where I Stand," which is my favorite piece from the six I have chosen. The song has a lot of emotion and is very fun to sing. Tiffany Taylor is the artist, so I have very big shoes to fill. My goal for the end of the week is to work very hard on each song, perfecting tempos and higher notes. I am enjoying my work thus far and cannot wait to record!! I just posted my goals for this project, so they should be the post under this if anyone would like to check them out!

1 comment:

  1. Are you going to sing these sometime when we can hear them? Or will be able to get a copy?
